Crop Walk
To raise awareness about the impact of hunger on life globally (ex: losing over 6 million children below the age of 5, annually, to hunger). To sign up as many walkers as we can; with the help and participation of as many of our other ministries as possible in order to achieve the yearly set goals.
Volunteer Opportunities
Annual trek through the streets of Charlotte is among the largest public witnesses to alleviating hunger from local to worldwide levels. CROP WALK is a branch of Church World Service that globally fights hunger through food distribution and assistance for people, tribes, war zone refugees, and those affected by natural or man-made disasters rebuild their lives. Over 86% of the money raised annually through all the walkers goes to the heart of the needs of those affected, with the remaining 14% going to food distribution. Volunteers donate their time and effort to secure pledges of which 25% of the money raised goes directly to local programs in Charlotte, 25% nationally, and 50% internationally. However, in case of national disasters, some of the 50% may convert back (ex: New Orleans).
Time Commitment
Various opportunities from participating in the walk to sponsoring others, donations, etc.