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Volunteer Opportunities

Current Volunteer Needs

Below is a list of current volunteer opportunities.  Volunteers are vital to the function of our church and in the community.  Please consider donating your time to help others - together we can accomplish so much!

Volunteers joining together

Musicians and Vocalists Needed

New Music Group:  We are forming a new music group for the Spanish Mass at 1:00 pm on Sundays.  If you play the piano, guitar, or like to sing, we would love for you to become part of this new music group!  Instrumentalists do not need to Spanish, and you do not need to be a member of St. Luke.  So tell your musician friends!


Current Spanish Music Group:  Our existing Spanish music group is always looking for singers and instrumentalists.  


Contact:  Cynthia Leugers at (704) 668-1479 or

Room in the Inn

Room in the Inn is our ministry that serves the homeless from December through March.  The guests arrive at St. Luke on a Friday night and leave on Saturday.  We need help in the following areas:


  • Drivers to transport guests to and from uptown Charlotte

  • Innkeepers to monitor the guests overnight

  • Friday evening set up, serve dinner, and clean up

  • Saturday morning crew to help cook breakfast and clean up

  • Friday dinner donations.


For more information or to sign up, please contact Greg Reeder at

Greeters Needed for 4:30 pm Mass

The Welcome Ministry needs volunteers to serve as greeters at the 4:30 pm Sunday Mass. Arrive 30 minutes early to hand out bulletins to parishioners entering the church and after Mass be available at the Welcome Table to hand out new parishioner registration form and answer any questions they made have. For more information, please email

Mass Coordinators and Eucharistic Ministers Needed

We need mass coordinators and Eucharistic ministers for the 4:30 pm Sunday Mass!  If you can help, please contact Barbara Angelo at

Lead Mass Coordinator Needed

We need a parishioner to serve as Lead Mass Coordinator.  The lead coordinator ensures that all Masses are covered by Mass coordinators, readies the worship space for Mass, attends Liturgy meetings once a month, and trains new coordinators.  Lead coordinator training is provided.  If interested, contact Barbara Angelo at

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