My Parish App

Download the MyParish App
The Diocesan has a free app called MyParish that you can download to your phone.
This app makes it easy for you to access web site, calendar, bulletins, daily scripture readings, Mass times and more all in one place. It's very user-friendly so give it a try!
1. Text the word App to 55321.
2. You will receive a text message with a link. Click on the link and it will open in either the App Store or Google Play. Download the MyParish app to your phone.
3. After opening the app, select 'Allow for Notifications.'
4. You have the option to read the introduction or click through the intro using 'Next' at the bottom right of your screen.
5. Find our parish by allowing location services, or by entering either our zip code, 28227, or Mint Hill, NC.
6. Select 'Get Started' and you're on your way!