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Stained Glass Windows

Please help us raise the remaining $K to cover the cost of the new stained glass windows.  


Your generosity in helping us meet this goal is greatly appreciated!


Thank you!

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Festival Sponsors

Please consider being a Sponsor for our 2024 Fall Festival!

 Our 2024 DSA goal is $136,227
Please click the image above to make your pledge! Thank you!
If you would like to make an electronic contribution and/or set up recurring donations but would prefer to do so by phone please call our Business Manager, Lori Kissinger, at 704-545-1224 x 11.  As long as you have a valid email address your donation(s) can be set up with a quick phone call.  An email will be sent to you so that you can confirm your donation(s) and you will need to reply back to that as your authorization.  

Have additional questions? Send an email to
(please remember not to include any personal information or account numbers in your email). 

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