Rite of Christian Inititiation for Adults

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the gateway process used by the Catholic Church to present the beliefs, traditions, practices and teachings of the Catholic faith to adults who are interested in coming to full communion with the Church as well as fostering the development of an intimate relationship with God. Adults are welcomed who are:
1. interested in learning more about the Catholic Church,
2. seeking to receive the initiation sacraments for full entry into the Catholic Church,
3. seeking to receive First Eucharist and/or Confirmation, or
4. Catholics seeking renewal after a long absence.
The purpose of the RCIA program is to foster the development and enrichment of an intimate relationship with God for those adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith through scripture reflection and discussion and study of Catholic traditions, values and church teachings. Participants include Inquirers, Catechumens, Elect, Sponsors, Interested Parishioners and RCIA Team. RCIA is offered in Spanish and English.
There are volunteer opportunities for St. Luke adults to serve as a personal sponsor for the Inquirers, Catechumen and Elect. The role of the sponsor is to be a companion to the Inquirer, Catechumen and Elect on their faith journey. They should be willing to share their own faith journey with the candidate and represent the whole faith community of St. Luke.
Please contact the church at (704) 545-1224 ext. 10 for more information.