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Room in the Inn


"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me."   -- Matthew 25:35-36 


Room in the Inn is an outreach ministry that serves the homeless during the months of December, January, February and March.

Volunteer Opportunities

Drivers - we need help getting the homeless from the Urban Ministry Center in uptown Charlotte to the church on Friday nights and to return them uptown on Saturday mornings.


Set-up - we need help getting the Family Life Center and classrooms set up with the tables for dinner, game area, TV area and beds. We also need help preparing the dinner meal on Friday and the breakfast meal on Saturday morning.


Food - donations of food are appreciated - either prepare a dish, leave ingredients in the kitchen, buy some snack foods, prepare lunches, anything will help out and means so much (we do not turn away volunteers and sometimes with our guests and help we are feeding up to 50 people).


Clean up - we need help cleaning up after dinner - with the meal and again Saturday morning after breakfast. This is also the crew that puts the beds away and puts the Family Life Center and classrooms back to normal. Innkeepers - these are the shepherds of the night.


We need 2 adults to spend the night with our guests - just in case something happens. With 2 people as innkeepers it allows 1 to sleep and 1 to stay awake to be aware of our guests and meet any needs that arise.

Time Commitment

From as little as an hour in preparing meals to drop off for our guests to the entire time as an Innkeeper which is from 4:45 pm Friday evening to 9:00 am Saturday morning.


New to volunteering at St. Luke? Please read our Safe Environment Policy
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