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Middle School Faith Formation Classes



Register for Middle School Faith Formation/Confirmation here.


Regístrese para la Formación de Fe / Confirmación de la Escuela Intermedia aquí.

2022-2023 Class Schedule

Being formed in the faith is a life-long process and middle school years are no exception! Our middle school faith formation program leads the youth through various topics of our faith including the Mass (with "Altaration" from Ascension Press). Classes are offered on Sunday and Wednesday nights from 6:00 - 8:00pm at our Lawyers Road campus for those who register. The sessions run from September to May and take place about every other week.


Stay tuned for more youth ministry opportunities as we reimagine our youth ministry program!

Parent's Corner

The first 6 classes we are introducing and going through a program on the Mass called "Altaration" from Ascension Press. Each week there is a challenge issued to our students and we want to share here as a reminder!


Intro Week: Think about your experience of the Mass. How does attending regularly improve your relationship with God? What questions do you have about the Mass?


Week 1: More Than Meets the Eye (The Priesthood)
Challenge - (1) Say a prayer for your parish priests every night before you go to bed. Mention them to God by name. (2) After Sunday Mass, take a minute to thank the priest for offering Mass and tell him something you appreciated from his homily. 


Week 2: Our Father's Plan
Challenge - (1) Read the four assigned readings for this Sunday’s Mass in advance. As with every Sunday and holy day, there are four readings: the First Reading (usually from the Old Testament), the Responsorial Psalm, the Second Reading (often from one of St. Paul’s letters), and the Gospel. (There are many excellent online versions as well as printed missals.) (2) Write some personal intentions to pray during Mass this Sunday. If your mind wanders during Mass, you can read what you have written and bring them to the Lord.


Week 3: The Mystery Revealed
Challenge - (1) Fast for an hour before Mass (the Church actually only requires us to fast for an hour before receiving Communion). Dress up a little. Arrive at least fifteen minutes before Mass begins, and spend some time praying. Give thanks after receiving Communion. Pay attention to any difference these things make in your overall experience of the Mass. 


Week 4: What Is Our Response?
Challenge - (1) Invite a friend or family member to attend Mass with you. If the person accepts, be sure to be a good example (e.g., really enter into prayer, pay attention, dress well, and sing). If the person declines your invitation, don’t take it personally, but just pray for him or her during Mass. Invite them again in the future. Remember to mention the Church’s teaching on reception of the Eucharist. 


Week 5: The "Whys" Behind the "Whats"
Challenge - Now that you know all the parts and players of the Mass, get out of the pew and get involved. Consider all the possible ways you could assist at Mass—as a lector, usher, singer, musician, or altar server, among other roles—and ask God for help to discern your gifts. Then find the right contact, usually listed in the bulletin, and inquire about getting involved. Remember, you are part of the Church, and the Church needs you!

VENTURE: Bible Timeline


For the last 8 sessions of our time together this year, our 6th graders will be learning about the Bible with Ascension Press's VENTURE program. It is geared towards high schoolers, so we're modifying it a bit (omitting some tough questions content) but it does a fantastic job of not just introducing the youth to the Bible but helping them to understand it better. With engaging videos, great discussions, and actual reading of the Bible, we're excited for this next semester of Faith Formation!


While there will be a classroom set of Bibles, youth are encouraged to bring their own Bibles so they can become familiar with using them.

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