Ministers of Communion
To enable people to share in a life giving celebration of Faith by assisting in serving the Eucharist to the congregation at Mass.
Volunteer Opportunities
Any adult member of the Catholic faith in good standing with the church (including newly confirmed teens) is invited to become a Minister of Communion. Training dates/times for new Ministers will be published in the church bulletin.
For more information regarding the roles of the Ministers of Communion click the pdf link.

Scheduling with Planning Center
Planning Center Services is an online system we use for scheduling liturgical ministers, organizing Masses & services, as well as streamlining communication. Each liturgical minister has a profile on Planning Center Services. Here you can view the dates for which you are scheduled to serve, see a detailed layout of the service, access song recordings/sheet music, as well as see who you will be serving alongside.
Your Online Schedule
You will receive scheduling request emails with the ability to accept or decline a position. You can also login at any time and manage your schedule by visiting https://services.planningcenteronline.com/dashboard/0
One way you can help us with scheduling is to login and block out dates ahead of time that you know you will be unavailable. The system and our ministry leaders will know when you're not available to serve without even having to ask you!
Your Contact Information
Did your contact information change? You can update your email address, password, profile picture or setup text messaging any time you want from your Profile page.
Download the Mobile App
In the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, search for "Planning Center Services". The app is free, but it does require a login to Planning Center Services in order to use it.
Time Commitment
Online scheduling to fit your availability!