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Kairos Men's Prison Ministry


To bring Christ's love and forgiveness to all incarcerated men. Kairos volunteers are called by God to share the love of Christ with those menimpacted by incarceration. Kairos encourages believers from a variety of Christian traditions to be volunteers in the Christ-filled ministry. St Luke's supports incarcerated men at Evans Correctional Institution in Bennettsville, SC.  Evans is about a 90-minute drive from Mint Hill. 


Volunteer Opportunities

Teams from St. Luke and other churches host a 3 1/2 day (weekend) spiritual retreat similar to Cursillo at the SC prison which address the spiritual needs of incarcerated men. The St. Luke team needs more volunteers to help. However, other ways parishioners can assist include cooking for the retreat, baking cookies, and writing encouraging letters for the incarcerated and/or committing to pray for participants during the retreat.

Time Commitment

For an inside volunteer, there are three days of team building meetings before the retreat, 4 days during the retreat and one day a month visiting the incarcerated as part of the ongoing continuing ministry.


For outside support, what ever time it takes to bake cookies, write letters of encouragement, support the prayer vigil or cooking meals at the camp.  Monetary support is also appreciated.  


Interested in or New to volunteering at St. Luke? Please read our Safe Environment Policy
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